Export of dangerous goods

The export of dangerous goods is a complex process of preparing and sending goods, goods that may pose a danger to human health, nature, property outside of Russia, to countries near and far abroad.

The modern classification of dangerous goods is determined using the UN system, which is called the “Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods” (Eng. United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, abbreviated – UNRTDG).

The export of dangerous goods requires special care and attention in the organization of logistics and delivery of goods, experience from the contractor. We have it, and we are ready, using our experience, to provide quality services.

The export of dangerous goods by our company is carried out in compliance with the rules and requirements established by international organizations, such as:

  • International Air Transport Association (IATA);
  • International Maritime Organization (IMO);
  • International Union of Railways (UIC).

They determine the rules and requirements for transportation, packaging, labeling and documentation.

Photo by Yannes Kiefer on Unsplash

In order to export dangerous goods, we help our clients obtain special permits, certificates of conformity, such as the Dangerous Goods Safety Certificate. We help with the preparation of documents necessary for the transportation of high-risk goods, permits for customs clearance.

RANI LLC offers services to companies and individual entrepreneurs:

  • Determination and confirmation of the hazard class of different dimensions of cargo by the specialists of our company;
  • Checking packages for compliance with the degree of danger according to IATA, the need for labeling dangerous goods;
  • Provision for transportation of containers, packaging required in accordance with the basic requirements of IATA;
  • Forwarding escort of cargoes;
  • Optimization of the logistics route, time of cargo transportation;
  • Expert advice on issues related to the transport of dangerous goods;
  • Registration of documents;
  • Insurance.

If you want to get to know more about cooperation with us, please call +7 (495) 131 21 44 or leave a request on the website. Our employees will contact you shortly.
